Looking through tear stained glass
Heaven never fell so fast
A simple light
As the heavens crashed
And Hades roared
I felt myself
The angels cried for death
The demons rallied
She was alone
No-one saw
No-one came
No-one recognized
But me
© 2008
There's very few words to describe just how excited I am for LittleBigPlanet to release in October. The game looks fantastic! Both visually and content-wise. It's an action platformer that has fantastic levels of customization.
LittleBigPlanet is a PS3 exclusive and is expected to be a console-mover. The game is based around three pillars. Play, Create, and Share.
Read more below
Beautiful. Absolutely beautiful.
The video title is Hubad Scene 6. There's something incredibly erotic about this that just works.
So, I've been playing a lot of Metal Gear Solid 4 Lately and It's gotten me to thinking about future games that're coming up. So I decided I would throw together a little list and give my impressions on each one, a couple screen-shots, all that.
Fabula Nova Crystallis Final Fantasy XIII Collection - Square Enix
That was a mouthful. Anyway, I'm looking forward to the three announced, one leaked, and two rumoured titles in this collection. Final Fantasy XII looks gorgeous, it's battle system looks very interesting. It's sort of like... From what I've heard, you see the monsters on the map, but when you approach them in real time and completely seamless, you jump in to a battle with them. So it's like taking Final Fantasy X's battle system and Final Fantasy XII's real-time and smashing them together.
Jump past the break for screens of Final Fantasy XIII and the other games in The Fabula Nova Crystallis Final Fantasy XIII Collection.
A quick surf around Perez Hilton's website is, admittedly, a guilty pleasure of mine. I don't really care about what's going on with celebrities. Though I am and avid fan of a few, I don't obsess. (Unless we're talking about Jared Padalecki.)
Anyway, Perez Hilton is a larger guy, is friends with Beth Ditto, a larger girl and an avid supported of BBW, friends with Mika and helped Launch him who is also a BBW supporter and even wrote a song for all the girls out there. But Perez doesn't seem to care that his advertisers have used images of BBWs in a negative light. The ad, pictured above, is seen on Perez Hilton's blog stating
"Don't Let This Happen To You. If you've ever felt like this, it's time to make a change"
Perez supported Niki Blonsky when she was first announced to be playing the large and in charge Tracy Turnblad in the movie adaption of Hairspray and yet he allows advertisers to make both men and women feel horrible about their weight? Something's amiss...
So, I bought an iPhone 3G last month when it finally released in Canada. That's my current homescreen. I'm still on the fence about whether or not I want to Jailbreak my phone and run custom firmware or not. It'd be interesting to try out, but I'm one of those nervous folks who thinks my phone will end up broken if I do it. But that doesn't mean you can't! The good folks over at have put up a handy little guide on how to jailbreak your iPhone 3G! Give it a shot!
Disney's milking that cash cow again. On September 30th, Disney Records is releasing Nightmare Revisited, a collection of covers by several different bands and artists of all sorts of genres. Danny Elfman re-recorded the tracks "Opening" and "Closing" for the new release and artists such as Amy Lee, Polyphonic Spree, Marilyn Manson, Flyleaf, and All-American Rejects have contributed to the collection.
Cover and Full Tracklisting afrer the jump.
iRiver's working together with Disney to bring the Mplayer to the market. I'm assuming these are targeted at young girls as I can't really see this design appealing to anyone else. Well, maybe the over-effeminate queens out there.
So, I haven't really mention it before, but I'm a gamer. I'm a nerdy gamer. I follow gaming blogs, I get excited for games I like, I go to my 24 Hour Wal-Mart at midnight to buy new games and get mad when the 60 year old lady who has no clue what a Playstation 3 is can't find the game I want.
Anyway, I picked up Soul Calibur IV this weekend. A friend of mine had bought it last week when it released and I was on the fence about it. Not that I didn't want to buy it. It's just, I didn't know if I wanted to spend my last few bucks on it before my next cheque came in.
He brought it over, we played. I still kicked his ass with Ivy and I was sold. The graphics have taken a fantastic leap from the previous games, the new characters are a welcome addition and the older characters have had new moves implemented while a few classic moves are brought back.
The game does have a couple downfalls. While the new Critical Finish feature is very flashy and downright depressing when it does happen to you, it has to happen first. Most battles go by so quickly with Soul Calibur that this method won't get used a lot unless you encounter that one person who constantly blocks.
I also found the story mode very short and kinda boring. It's five rounds, you usually fight three or four people per round. One character and one to three more randomly generated custom characters. I found even the hard mode for it easy and was hoping for something a little more... fleshed out. I mean, they have 50GBs worth of storage on a Blu-Ray disc. (You 360ers can handle disc swapping, can't ya? Yeah, you can. :P)
But what I bought the game for is very good. Multiplayer kicks ass in this installment. There's no mandatory install, which is nice, but there is the option available to cut loading times. Sweet. Why wouldn't you do it?
So, overall I really like Soul Calibur IV and it's well worth the money. I'm definitely going to be playing, so if you're a PS3 owner and you've picked it up, gimme an add on the PSN and we'll duke it out. (PSN ID = EmWy)
(Oh, By the way, who else noticed that Ivy's tits are now bigger than her head? Your tits are too big when you have to coin the term undercleavage to describe them!)
I was home this week, visiting family and my mother had received this lantern as a gift from a dear friend of hers. Seeing it reminded me of Nirvana's song Heart-Shaped Box.
I thought maybe having a phone with email would help me post more often turns out that I'm just lazy. Ha.
That's about it for now folks.
Sent from my iPhone